Mengubah latar belakang desktop

Untuk mengubah gambar yang digunakan untuk latar belakang Anda:

  1. Go to the desktop and start typing Background.

  2. Click Background to open the panel. The currently selected wallpaper is shown at the top.

  3. Ada dua cara untuk mengubah gambar yang digunakan untuk latar belakang Anda:

    • Click one of the background images which are shipped with the system.

      Beberapa wallpaper berubah sepanjang hari. Wallpaper ini memiliki ikon jam kecil di pojok kanan bawah.

    • Click Add Picture… to use one of your own photos. By default, the Pictures folder will be opened, since most photo management applications store photos there.

  4. Pengaturan diterapkan seketika.

    For another way to set one of your own photos as the background, right-click on the image file in Files and select Set as Wallpaper, or open the image file in Image Viewer, click the menu button in the titlebar and select Set as Wallpaper.

  5. Bertukar ke suatu ruang kerja kosong untuk melihat seluruh desktop Anda.