Print a booklet on a double-sided printer
You can make a folded booklet (like a small book or pamphlet) by printing pages of a document in a special order and changing a couple of printing options.
Ta navodila so za tiskanje knjižnice iz dokumenta PDF.
V primeru da želite knjižico natisniti iz dokumenta LibreOffice, ga boste morali najprej izvoziti v PDF z izbiro Datoteka ▸ Izvozi kot PDF .... Število strani v vašem dokumentu mora biti večkratnik števila 4 (4, 8, 12, 16, ...). Morda boste morali dodati do 3 prazne strani.
Za tiskanje knjižice:
Open the print dialog. This can normally be done through Print in the menu or using the Ctrl+P keyboard shortcut.
Click the Properties… button
In the Orientation drop-down list, make sure that Landscape is selected.
In the Duplex drop-down list, select Short Edge.
Click OK to go back to the print dialog.
Under Range and Copies, choose Pages.
Vtipkajte števila strani v tem vrstnem redu (n je število celotnih strani in je večkratnik števila 4):
n, 1, 2, n-1, n-2, 3, 4, n-3, n-4, 5, 6, n-5, n-6, 7, 8, n-7, n-8, 9, 10, n-9, n-10, 11, 12, n-11…
4 stranska knjižica: vtipkajte 4,1,2,3
8 stranska knjižnica: vtipkajte 8,1,2,7,6,3,4,5
20 stranska knjižica: vtipkajte 20,1,2,19,18,3,4,17,16,5,6,15,14,7,8,13,12,9,10,11
Choose the Page Layout tab.
Under Layout, select Brochure.
Under Page Sides, in the Include drop-down list, select All pages.
Kliknite Natisni.