Premikajte in organizirajte svoja okna.

You can move and resize windows to help you work more efficiently. In addition to the dragging behavior you might expect, the system features shortcuts and modifiers to help you arrange windows quickly.

  • Move a window by dragging the titlebar, or hold down Super and drag anywhere in the window. Hold down Shift while moving to snap the window to the edges of the screen and other windows.

  • Spremenite velikost okna z vlečenjem robov ali kota okna. Za pripenjanje okna robovom zaslona in drugih oken medtem ko spreminjate velikost držite tipko Shift.

  • Premaknite ali spremenite velikost okna s tipkovnico. PritisniteAlt+F7 za premik okna ali Alt+F8 za spremembo velikosti okna. Uporabite smerne tipke za premik ali spremembo velikosti in nato pritisnite Enter za končanje spreminjanja velikosti okna ali Esc za njegovo vrnitev na izvirno velikost.

  • Maximize a window by dragging it to the top of the screen. Drag a window to one side of the screen to maximize it along the side, allowing you to tile windows side by side.