What is the Menu key?

The Menu key, also known as the Application key, is a key found on some Windows-oriented keyboards. This key is usually on the bottom-right of the keyboard, next to the Ctrl key, but it can be placed in a different location by keyboard manufacturers. It is usually depicted as a cursor hovering above a menu: Menu key icon.


菜单键有时会音节省空间而省略,特别是在便携式和手提电脑键盘上。在这种情况下,键盘上会带有一个和功能 (Fn) 键结合的可激活的菜单功能。

快捷菜单是您右击时会出现的菜单。您所看到的菜单与您右击区域的内容和功能紧密相关。当您使用 菜单键时,快捷菜单将会在您按键时鼠标指针所在的区域出现。