



  • 在密码中使用大小写字母、数字、特殊符号和空格等,这会使密码很难被猜出,可选的符号很多,这就使得想猜出您密码的人不得不花费更多时间来检查。

    A good method for choosing a password is to take the first letter of each word in a phrase that you can remember. The phrase could be the name of a movie, a book, a song or an album. For example, “Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions” would become F:ARoMD or faromd or f: aromd.

  • 让您的密码足够长,字符越多,被猜出所花的时间也越长。

  • Do not use any words that appear in a standard dictionary in any language. Password crackers will try these first. The most common password is “password” — people can guess passwords like this very quickly!

  • Do not use any personal information such as a date, license plate number, or any family member’s name.

  • 不要使用任何词语。

  • 选择一个可以快速输入的,这样可以减少那些偷看者记住您输入字符的可能性。


  • 不同的地方使用不同的密码。

  • 不同的帐号使用不同的密码。


    It can be difficult to remember lots of passwords, however. Though not as secure as using a different passwords for everything, it may be easier to use the same one for things that do not matter (like websites), and different ones for important things (like your online banking account and your email).

  • 定期更改密码。