Uključivanje odbijanja tipki

Uključite odbijanje tipki kako biste zanemarili pritiske na tipke koje se brzo ponavljaju. Na primjer, ako imate drhtave ruke zbog čega pritisnete tipku više puta umjesto samo jednom, u tome slučaju trebali bi uključiti odbijanje tipki.

  1. Go to the desktop and start typing Settings.

  2. Kliknite na Postavke.

  3. Kliknite na Pristupačnost u bočnoj traci za otvaranje panela.

  4. Press Typing Assist (AccessX) in the Typing section.

  5. Switch the Bounce Keys switch to on.

Quickly turn bounce keys on and off

You can turn bounce keys on and off by clicking the accessibility icon on the top bar and selecting Bounce Keys. The accessibility icon is visible when one or more settings have been enabled from the Accessibility panel.

Use the Acceptance delay slider to change how long bounce keys waits before it registers another key press after you pressed the key for the first time. Select Beep when a key is rejected if you want the computer to make a sound each time it ignores a key press because it happened too soon after the previous key press.