Controllare la presenza di problemi sul disco fisso

Controllare il disco fisso

Per verificare lo stato di salute dei dischi fissi, questi hanno uno strumento integrato chiamato SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) che controlla continuamente la presenza di potenziali problemi. SMART, inoltre, avvisa l'utente se il disco si sta per rompere, aiutando a prevenire la perdita di dati importanti.

Although SMART runs automatically, you can also check your disk’s health by running the Disks application:

Check your disk’s health using the Disks application

  1. Open Disks from the desktop.

  2. Select the disk you want to check from the list of storage devices on the left. Information and status of the disk will be shown.

  3. Click the menu button and select SMART Data & Self-Tests…. The Overall Assessment should say “Disk is OK”.

  4. See more information under SMART Attributes, or click the Start Self-test button to run a self-test.

What if the disk isn’t healthy?

Even if the Overall Assessment indicates that the disk isn’t healthy, there may be no cause for alarm. However, it’s better to be prepared with a backup to prevent data loss.

If the status says “Pre-fail”, the disk is still reasonably healthy but signs of wear have been detected which mean it might fail in the near future. If your hard disk (or computer) is a few years old, you are likely to see this message on at least some of the health checks. You should backup your important files regularly and check the disk status periodically to see if it gets worse.

Nel caso in cui lo stato peggiori, potrebbe essere utile portare il disco fisso/computer da un professionista per ulteriori diagnosi o per la riparazione.