Automatisk indlogning

You can change your settings so that you are automatically logged in to your account when you start up your computer:

  1. Go to the Desktop and start typing Users.

  2. Click Users to open the panel.

  3. Vælg brugerkontoen som automatisk skal logge ind ved opstart.

  4. Tryk på Lås op i øverste højre hjørne og skriv din adgangskode, når du bliver spurgt.

  5. Tænd for Automatisk login-kontakten.

When you next start up your computer, you will be logged in automatically. If you have this option enabled, you will not need to type in your password to log in to your account which means that if someone else starts up your computer, they will be able to access your account and your personal data including your files and browser history.

If your account type is Standard, you cannot change this setting. Contact your system administrator who can change this setting for you.