Non teño conexión sen fíos á rede cando desperto o meu computador

If you have suspended your computer, you may find that your wireless internet connection does not work when you resume it again. This happens when the driver for the wireless device does not fully support certain power saving features. Typically, the wireless connection fails to turn on properly when the computer is resumed.

Se sucede isto de novo, tente apagar a súa tarxeta sen fíos e volvela a acender:

  1. Go to the Desktop and start typing Wi-Fi.

  2. Prema Wifi para abrir o panel.

  3. Troque o botón de WiFi na xanela superior dereita a apagar e acender de novo.

  4. Se a rede sen fíos segue sen funcionar, active o Modo avión e desactíveo de novo.

If this does not work, restarting your computer should make the wireless work again. If you are still having problems after that, connect to the internet using an Ethernet cable and update your computer.