Your desktop Visual overview of the Endless OS Desktop — A visual overview of the Desktop and taskbar. Avviare applicazioni — Launch apps from the Desktop. Log out, power off or switch users — Imparare come terminare la sessione, cambiare utente e altro. Customize your desktop Appuntamenti in calendario — Display your appointments in the calendar area in the taskbar. Notifications and the notification list — Messages drop down from the top of the screen telling you when certain events happen. Pin your favorite apps to the taskbar — Add (or remove) frequently-used program icons on the taskbar. Applicazioni e finestre Passare da una finestra all'altra — Press Super+Tab. The lock screen — The decorative and functional lock screen conveys useful information. Utili scorciatoie da tastiera — Spostarsi all'interno dell'ambiente grafico usando la tastiera. What do the icons in the taskbar mean? — Explains the meanings of the icons located on the right of the taskbar. Window management — Spostare e organizzare le finestre. Ulteriori informazioni Endless OS Desktop Help — A guide for Endless OS Desktop users.