Blisk zaslona za zvoke alarma

Vaš računalnik bo za določene vrste sporočil in dogodkov predvajal enostaven zvok alarma. V primeru, da te zvoke težko slišite, lahko nastavite, da vaš celoten zaslon ali vaše trenutno okno zabliska, ko se predvaja zvok alarma.

This can also be useful if you’re in an environment where you need your computer to be silent, such as in a library. See Izbira ali onemogočitev opozorilnega zvoka to learn how to mute the alert sound, then enable visual alerts.

  1. Go to the Desktop and start typing Accessibility.

  2. Click on Accessibility to open the panel.

  3. Press Visual Alerts in the Hearing section.

  4. Switch the Visual Alerts switch to on.

  5. Select whether you want the entire screen or just your current window title to flash.

You can quickly turn visual alerts on and off by clicking the accessibility icon on the taskbar and selecting Visual Alerts.