Kopiranje ali premik datotek ali map

Mapo ali datoteko lahko kopirate ali premaknete na novo mesto z vlečenjem in spuščanjem z miško, z uporabo ukazov kopiraj in prilepi ali z uporabo tipkovnih bližnjic.

For example, you might want to copy a presentation onto a memory stick so you can take it to work with you. Or, you could make a back-up copy of a document before you make changes to it (and then use the old copy if you don’t like your changes).

Ta navodila veljajo tako za datoteke in mape. Datoteke in mape lahko kopirate na popolnoma enak način.

Kopiranje in lepljenje datotek

  1. Z enojnim klikom izberite datoteko, ki jo želite kopirati.

  2. Right-click and pick Copy, or press Ctrl+C.

  3. Krmarite do druge mape kamor želite kopirati datoteko.

  4. Click the menu button and pick Paste to finish copying the file, or press Ctrl+V. There will now be a copy of the file in the original folder and the other folder.

Izrez in lepljenje datotek za njihov premik

  1. Z enojnim klikom izberite datoteko, ki jo želite premakniti.

  2. Right-click and pick Cut, or press Ctrl+X.

  3. Krmarite v drugo mapo kamor želite premakniti datoteko.

  4. Click the menu button in the toolbar and pick Paste to finish moving the file, or press Ctrl+V. The file will be taken out of its original folder and moved to the other folder.

Vleka datotek za kopiranje ali premik

  1. Open the file manager and go to the folder which contains the file you want to copy.

  2. Click Files in the taskbar, select New Window (or press Ctrl+N) to open a second window. In the new window, navigate to the folder where you want to move or copy the file.

  3. Kliknite in povlecite datoteko iz enega okna v drugo. Privzeto bo vlečenje predmeta predmet premaknilo, če je cilj na isti napravi in kopiralo, če je cilj na drugi napravi.

    For example, if you drag a file from a USB memory stick to your Home folder, it will be copied, because you’re dragging from one device to another.

    Za prisiljenje kopiranja datoteke med vlečenjem pritisnite in držite tipko Ctrl, za prisiljenje premikanja med vlečenjem pritisnite in držite tipko Shift.

You cannot copy or move a file into a folder that is read-only. Some folders are read-only to prevent you from making changes to their contents. You can change things from being read-only by changing file permissions .