You can move and resize windows to help you work more efficiently. In addition to the dragging behavior you might expect, the system features shortcuts and modifiers to help you arrange windows quickly.
Move a window by dragging the titlebar, or hold down Super and drag anywhere in the window. Hold down Shift while moving to snap the window to the edges of the screen and other windows.
改变窗口大小可以拖动窗口的四个边或角,按住 Shift 键可以让窗口贴紧屏幕或其他窗口的边缘。
使用键盘来移动或改变窗口大小。按 Alt+F7 来移动窗口,或者按 Alt+F8 改变窗口大小。使用方向键移动或改变窗口大小,然后按回车键确定,也可以按 Esc 取消,返回到原来的状态。