Condivisione Condividere il proprio desktop — Permette ad altre persone di visualizzare e interagire col proprio desktop usando VNC. Control sharing over Bluetooth — Allow files to be uploaded to your computer over Bluetooth. Esplorare file su un server o una condivisione di rete — Visualizzare e modificare file su un altro computer tramite FTP, SSH, condivisione file di Windows o WebDAV. Send files to a Bluetooth device — Condividere file con dispositivi Bluetooth come il proprio telefono. Share files by email — Easily transfer files to your email contacts from the file manager. Share your music, photos and videos — Share media on your local network using UPnP. Share your personal files — Let other people access files in your Public folder. Ulteriori informazioni Networking, web & email — Connect to wireless and wired networks. Stay safe with a VPN. Create a wireless hotspot.