Ali sem lahko obveščen/a, ko je moj bravni profil nenatančen?

You can be reminded to recalibrate your devices after a specific period of time. Unfortunately, it is not possible to tell without recalibrating whether a device profile is accurate, so it is best to recalibrate devices regularly.

Some companies have very specific calibration expiry policies for profiles, as an inaccurate color profile can make a huge difference to an end product.

If you set the timeout policy and a profile is older than the policy then a red warning triangle will be shown in the Color panel next to the profile. A warning notification will also be shown every time you log into your computer.

Za nastavitev pravila za zaslone in tiskalnike določite največjo starost profila v dneh:

$ gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.color recalibrate-printer-threshold 180
$ gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.color recalibrate-display-threshold 90