Odpiranje programov za naprave ali diske

Programe lahko nastavite na samodejni zagon, ko priklopite napravo. Morda boste želeli da se ob priklopu digitalnega fotoaparata zažene vaš organizator fotografij. To zmožnost lahko tudi izklopite, kar pomeni, da se ob priklopu naprave ne zgodi nič.

Za odločitev kateri programi naj se zaženejo, ko priklopite različne naprave:

  1. Go to the desktop and start typing Removable Media.

  2. Click Removable Media.

  3. Izberite program ali dejanje za želeno napravo ali vrsto medija. Glejte spodaj za opis različnih vrst naprav in medijev.

    Instead of starting an application, you can also set it so that the device will be shown in the file manager, with the Open folder option. When that happens, you will be asked what to do, or nothing will happen automatically.

  4. If you do not see the device or media type that you want to change in the list (such as Blu-ray discs or E-book readers), click Other Media… to see a more detailed list of devices. Select the type of device or media from the Type drop-down and the application or action from the Action drop-down.

If you do not want any applications to be opened automatically, whatever you plug in, select Never prompt or start programs on media insertion at the bottom of the Removable Media window.

Vrste naprav in medijev

Zvočni diski

Choose your favorite music application or CD audio extractor to handle audio CDs. If you use audio DVDs (DVD-A), select how to open them under Other Media…. If you open an audio disc with the file manager, the tracks will appear as WAV files that you can play in any audio player application.

Video diski

Choose your favorite video application to handle video DVDs. Use the Other Media… button to set an application for Blu-ray, HD DVD, video CD (VCD), and super video CD (SVCD). If DVDs or other video discs do not work correctly when you insert them, see Why won’t DVDs play?.

Prazni diski

Use the Other Media… button to select a disc-writing application for blank CDs, blank DVDs, blank Blu-ray discs, and blank HD DVDs.

Fotografije in digitalni fotoaparati

Uporabite spustni seznam Fotografije za izbiro programa upravljanja fotografij za zagon ob priklopu digitalnega fotoaparata ali ko vstavitev medijsko kartico s fotoaparata kot je kartica CF, SD, MCC ali MS. Med fotografijami lahko tudi brskate z upravljalnikom datotek.

Under Other Media…, you can select an application to open Kodak picture CDs, such as those you might have made in a store. These are regular data CDs with JPEG images in a folder called Pictures.

Predvajalniki glasbe

Izberite program za upravljanje glasbene knjižnice na prenosnem predvajalniku ali pa datoteke upravljajte sami z upravljlanikom datotek.

Bralniki e-knjig

Use the Other Media… button to choose an application to manage the books on your e-book reader, or manage the files yourself using the file manager.


Nekateri diski in odstranljivi mediji vsebujejo programe, ki naj bi se ob vstavitvi medija samodejno zagnali. Uporabite možnost Programi za nadzor kaj naj se zgodi, ko je vstavljen medij s samodejno zagonljivimi programi. Pred zagonom programa boste vedno vprašani za potrditev.

Never run software from media you don’t trust.