Iskanje izgubljene datoteke
If you created or downloaded a file, but now you cannot find it, follow these tips.
If you do not remember where you saved the file, but you have some idea of how you named it, you can search for the file by name.
If you just downloaded the file, your web browser might have automatically saved it to a common folder. Check the Desktop and Downloads folders in your home folder.
Morda ste datoteko izbrisali po nesreči. Ko datoteko izbrišete, se premakne v smeti, kjer ostane dokler smeti ročno ne izpraznite. Za navodila kako obnoviti izbrisano datoteko si oglejte Obnovitev datoteke iz Smeti.
You might have renamed the file in a way that made the file hidden. Files that start with a . or end with a ~ are hidden in the file manager. Click the view options button in the Files toolbar and enable Show Hidden Files to display them. See Skritje datoteke to learn more.