Files list columns preferences

There are several columns of information that you can display in the Files list view. Right-click a column header and select or deselect which columns should be visible.


The name of folders and files.

The Name column cannot be hidden.


Velikost mape je podana kot število predmetov, ki so v mapi. Velikost datoteke je podana kot bajti, KB ali MB.


Prikazano kot mapa ali datoteka vrste kot je dokument PDF, slika JPEG, zvok MP3 in več.


Gives the date of the last time the file was modified.


Ime uporabnika, ki je lastnik datoteke ali mape.


The group the file is owned by. Each user is normally in their own group, but it is possible to have many users in one group. For example, a department may have their own group in a work environment.


Displays the file access permissions. For example, drwxrw-r--

  • The first character is the file type. - means regular file and d means directory (folder). In rare cases, other characters can also be shown.

  • Naslednji trije znaki rwx določijo dovoljenja uporabnika, ki je lastnik datoteke.

  • Naslednji trije znaki rw- določajo dovoljenja vseh članov skupine, ki je lastnik datoteke.

  • Zadnji trije znaki v stolpcu r-- določajo dovoljenja za vse uporabnike na sistemu.

Each permission has the following meanings:

  • r: readable, meaning that you can open the file or folder

  • w: writable, meaning that you can save changes to it

  • x: executable, meaning that you can run it if it is a program or script file, or you can access subfolders and files if it is a folder

  • -: permission not set

Vrsta MIME

Prikaže predmetovo vrsto MIME.


Pot do mesta datoteke.

Modified — Time

Poda datum in čas zadnje spremembe datoteke.


Gives the date or time of the last time the file was modified.