Odpravljanje težav z brezžičnimi omrežji
This is a step-by-step troubleshooting guide to help you identify and fix wireless problems. If you cannot connect to a wireless network for some reason, try following the instructions here.
Za povezavo računalnika z internetom izvedite naslednje korake:
Izvajanje začetnega preverjanja
Zbiranje podrobnosti o strojni opremi
Preverjanje strojne opreme
Poskušanje ustvarjanja povezave z brezžičnim usmerjevalnikom
Preverite svoj modem in usmerjevalnik
Za začetek kliknite na Naprej v zgornjem desnem delu strani. Ta povezava in druge na naslednjih straneh vas bodo peljale skozi vse korake v vodniku.
Uporaba ukazne vrstice
Some of the instructions in this guide ask you to type commands into the command line (Terminal). You can find the Terminal application on the desktop.
If you are not familiar with using a command line, don’t worry — this guide will direct you at each step. All you need to remember is that commands are case-sensitive (so you must type them exactly as they appear here), and to press Enter after typing each command to run it.