Izbira ali onemogočitev opozorilnega zvoka

Vaš računalnik bo predvajal enostaven opozorilni zvok za določene vrste sporočil in dogodkov. Za alarme lahko izberete drugačne zvoke, neodvisno od sistemske glasnosti nastavite glasnost opozorila ali popolnoma onemogočite opozorilne zvoke.

  1. Go to the desktop and start typing Sound.

  2. Click on Sound to open the panel.

  3. In the Alert Sound section, select an alert sound. Each sound will play when you click on it so you can hear how it sounds.

Use the volume slider for System Sounds in the Volume Levels section to set the volume of the alert sound. Click the speaker button at the end of the slider to mute or unmute the alert sound. This will not affect the volume of your music, movies, or other sound files.