Dodajte nalog

Adding an account will help link your online accounts with your desktop. Thus, your email client, calendar and other related applications will be set up for you.

  1. Go to the desktop and start typing Online Accounts.

  2. Kliknite na naloge na mreži da otvorite panel.

  3. Select an account from the list on the right.

  4. Select the type of account you want to add.

  5. A small website window or dialog will open where you can enter your online account credentials. For example, if you are setting up a Google account, enter your email address and password. Some providers allow you to create a new account from the login dialog.

  6. Ako ste ispravno uneli vaše podatke, biće vam zatraženo da dozvolite Gnomov pristup vašem nalogu na mreži. Ovlastite pristup da nastavite.

  7. All services that are offered by an account provider will be enabled by default. Switch individual services to off to disable them.

Nakon što dodate naloge, programi će moći da koriste te naloge za usluge koje ste izabrali. Vidite Odredite kojim uslugama na mreži može da pristupi nalog o tome kako da odlučite koje usluge ćete omogućiti.

Many online services provide an authorization token which Endless OS stores instead of your password. If you remove an account, you should also revoke that certificate in the online service. See Uklonite nalog for more information.