प्रॉक्सी सेटिंग निश्चित करा

प्रॉक्सी काय असते?

A web proxy filters websites that you look at, it receives requests from your web browser to fetch web pages and their elements, and following a policy will decide to pass them you back. They are commonly used in businesses and at public wireless hotspots to control what websites you can look at, prevent you from accessing the internet without logging in, or to do security checks on websites.

प्रॉक्सी पद्धत बदला

  1. Go to the Desktop and start typing Network.

  2. Click on Network to open the panel.

  3. Select Network proxy from the list on the left.

  4. Choose which proxy method you want to use from:


    The applications will use a direct connection to fetch the content from the web.


    प्रत्येक प्रॉक्सीड प्रोटोकॉलकरिता, प्रॉक्सीचा पत्ता आणि प्रोटोकॉल्सकरिता पोर्ट ठरवा. प्रोटोकॉल्स HTTP, HTTPS, FTP आणि SOCKS आहे.


    A URL pointing to a resource, which contains the appropriate configuration for your system.

नेटवर्क जोडणीचा वापर करणारे ॲप्लिकेशन्स निर्देशीत प्रॉक्सी सेटिंग्जचा वापर करेल.