Razvrščanje datotek in map

You can sort files in different ways in a folder, for example by sorting them in order of date or file size. See Načini razvrščanja datotek below for a list of common ways to sort files. See Views preferences in Files for information on how to change the default sort order.

The way that you can sort files depends on the folder view that you are using. You can change the current view using the list or icon buttons in the toolbar.

Ikonski pogled

To sort files in a different order, click the view options button in the toolbar and choose By Name, By Size, By Type, By Modification Date, or By Access Date.

As an example, if you select By Name, the files will be sorted by their names, in alphabetical order. See Načini razvrščanja datotek for other options.

You can sort in the reverse order by selecting Reversed Order from the menu.

Seznamski pogled

Za razvrstitev datotek v drugačnem vrstnem redu kliknite na eno od glav v upravljalniku datotek. Za razvrstitev po vrsti datotek kliknite na glavo stolpca Vrsta. Za obratni vrstni red ponovno kliknite glavo stolpca.

In list view, you can show columns with more attributes and sort on those columns. Click the view options button in the toolbar, pick Visible Columns… and select the columns that you want to be visible. You will then be able to sort by those columns. See Files list columns preferences for descriptions of available columns.

Načini razvrščanja datotek


V abecednem vrstnem redu razvrsti po imenu datoteke.


Razvrsti po velikosti datoteke (koliko prostora na disku zavzame). Privzeto so razvrščene od najmanjše do največje.


Abecedno razvrsti po vrsti datoteke. Datoteke iste vrste so združene skupaj in nato razvrščene po imenu.

Last Modified

Razvrsti po datumu in času spremembe datoteke. Privzeto razvrsti od najstarejše do najnovejše.