共享 Share your music, photos and videos — Share media on your local network using UPnP. Share your personal files — Let other people access files in your Public folder. 共享您的桌面 — 让其他人使用 VNC 查看您的桌面并与桌面进行交互。 发送文件到蓝牙设备上 — 和蓝牙设备(如手机)共享文件。 控制蓝牙共享。 — Allow files to be uploaded to your computer over Bluetooth. 浏览服务器或网络共享中的文件 — 通过 FTP、SSH、Windows 共享或 WebDAV,查看和编辑另一台计算机上的文件。 通过电子邮件共享文件 — Easily transfer files to your email contacts from the file manager. 更多信息 Networking, web & email — Connect to wireless and wired networks. Stay safe with a VPN. Create a wireless hotspot.